DeltaOne is a fast growing spirits company disrupting the industry with its quality spirits.
Spirits aged to perfection, created to satisfy the palate of your bon vivant.
60 ml J Brandy
25 ml Cointreau
25 ml Lemon Juice
Garnish: Orange Peel
Serve in Chilled Coupe Glass
60ml Eclipse Whiskey
22.5ml Simple Syrup
22.5ml Lemon Juice
White of one egg (optional)
Aromatic Bitter
Garnish with dashes of Aromatic Bitter and lemon wedge. Serve in an old fashioned glass with Ice Cubes.
60ml Snow White Vodka
Chunks of watermelon half a cup
22.5ml Lemon Juice
15ml Simple Syrup
Watermelon Wedge
Serve in a Martini glass with Ice Cubes for chilling
60mL Mumbai Gin
15ml Lemon Juice
10ml Simple Syrup
Garnish with a Dehydrated Lemon Wedge and serve in a Martini glass with Ice Cubes.
60ml Delta XXX Rum
90 - 100ml Ginger Beer
Few Dashes of Angostura Bitter
Garnish with a Lemon Wedge and serve in a Highball Glass.